100+ festivals
Selected and nomineed by more than 100 festivals including Oscar Qualifying Festivals
30+ films
More than 30 titles are now in our catalogue. Including bilibili's CAPSULES (胶囊计划)
1+ year track
For film festival services, our service cycles are kept until the last film festival results.
On-Air Distribution
On-Air Distribution is an up-and-coming Chinese independent distribution team whose core members have vast experience in festivals and events, and are committed to bringing outstanding Chinese-language independent works to the international arena. On-Air currently focuses on festival strategy and overseas distribution of independent animation and documentaries, representing works produced by the team itself (Momiqimio Production), and "Capsules" (dozens of animated shorts) invested by bilibili, which have been selected for dozens of festivals, including Short Shorts. Palm Springs, Short Shorts, Feinaki Animation Week, and more.
2024, Momiqimio 杭州莫名其妙文化创意有限公司